This image from the Boston Globe is going viral because one woman in a crowd of onlookers is the only one actually watching and not recording the event.

I do this all of the time. Sometimes I regret not having a picture because I only watched. But there are many more times that I did record an event with video or photographs that I don’t even recollect experiencing. I was recording, but I wasn’t there. This woman was there. And now I am there as well, when I choose to be.
This past weekend was a perfect example. I brought a camera along to Emily’s softball tournament. I took some (quite a few, actually) photos. But most of the time, I was watching the game, and not having a care in the world about whether or not I captured a perfect photo. Because they played multiple games, I was able to both enjoy taking photographs, but also spend most of the time watching my daughter play ball. It was magnificent.
Be intentional people, not mindless in your use of technology. It is a better way to live.
PS – Here are some softball pics. Her team got 3rd place.