Personal Horror Story

For this DS106 Visual Assignment, I want you to tell a true story of horror. If you’ve never had anything horrible happen in your life, you won’t be able to do this. If you have and you dare to share it, do the following:

Search the Flickr photo archives for five images that when arranged in the correct sequence can tell the viewer your true story of horror. For this assignment, I want you to use only Creative Commons tagged photos. After entering your search terms, change the search result settings from “Any Licence” to “All Creative Commons” so you will only see images that the author grants you permission to use.

Download your five images using the small format (240 x 180) option. Using photo editing software, create a single image that will contain all five of your small images, reading them in sequence from left to right. Save as a single JPG image and upload to Flickr.

Here is mine:

One Cannot Forget
Personal Horror Story

Image Credits:
Frank Müller Devastated/Am Boden zerstört
Luigi de Guzman ambulance
Jason O’Halloran Lindsay crying
Steve Holmes Night prayer in silhouette
Schristia Dark Matters (IMG_5941R)