Free Video Editing and Content

I am always looking for ways to help students minimize the costs in their learning. One gaping gap between what we do in my digital media classes and finding affordable or ideally, free resources to do our digital stuff has been in the area of video editing. I have been looking for a quality free video editing tool for a long time and I finally heard about a good one this week from my friend Mike Wesch on the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. It is called DaVinci Resolve, and I can’t wait to download and try it out.

Another resource Dr. Wesch recommended that I hadn’t heard of before is Videvo, which has high-quality, free video footage and sound, as well as premium content that paying members can access.

Finally, I found on Dr. Wesch’s website a treasure trove of video editing resources about how to make high quality videos. These are found on the Anth101 film school page.