This semester in my Digital Media 2 class, we are collaborating with the open course DS106 started at the University of Mary Washington. One important part of that experience is the Daily Create exercise. Each day, a new creativity assignment is posted and we are invited to respond, sharing our work online.
Today’s Daily Create was called It’s Just Like Riding A Bicycle. We were asked to post a picture of our bike, or of anything related to bicycles. Well, my bike is at home, and I’m at work, and while I found this old photo of my kid riding her bike, when she & I took a 15 mile ride over to the next town, I thought that sharing an old photo would be too easy.

So I searched for a picture of one of the most notable bicycle owners of all time, Pee Wee Herman. I found this:

Then I made a sketch in my sketchbook. I used my iPad to make a photo, and posted it on Flickr. Then I used the embed code to share it here with you for today’s Daily Create: